Friday, 26 April 2013

Thank you!

To all the volunteers in the Access to Archaeology Project,
Thank you so much for your hard work on the project. It has been a great success. Everyone can see the results of their work on Archwilio
Thanks to Cadw, we have secured extra funding for the work to continue this summer and we will be looking for new recruits to join those of you who have asked to continue with the work.
I'm so glad you all enjoyed the project and that some of you are going to come back to work on Stage 2!
We look forward to seeing you again soon, and once again thank you!

Charina Jones HER Manager

Volunteering in the HER

I have been part of a group of volunteers on the Access To Archaeology Project which has been updating the Historic Environment Record (HER) database.  We  were intially given training explaining how the HER worked and how to amend and update its records.  Since then we have been adding records of archaeological events such as excavations, in particular those caused by planning applications which had not previously been included in the HER. 
The work has been very interesting and although the software seemed quite complex in the beginning, but with the help of Charina and Rachel we are all getting more familiar and proficient when using it now.  I have enjoyed being part of the project which has  given me a better understanding of the archaeology of South Wales and of the working of the Trust.
Isobelle Davis, Volunteer