Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Merry Christmas!

We are now two-thirds of the way through our Access to Archaeology programme for 2013-2014, and we’ve had another great response - more than doubling last year’s A2A volunteer numbers. Our volunteers have been trained in the role of the HER and the planning process, and learnt how to search the records, identify existing sites and add new data to the system. They have also learnt to identify the different types of reports that exist and how to choose the relevant information to add to the record, and they have been trained in GIS software and digitisation. More than 90 reports have been digitised so far within this project, and they have been uploaded and are available to view on Archwilio now.

We’d like to thank our volunteers for all of their hard work, and I hope that they are enjoying the project as much as I am. Happy Holidays!

Leonora, Acting Historic Environment Record Manager