Monday, 27 April 2015

A Sad Farewell

Friday saw us wave a tearful goodbye to Leonora Goldsmith as she starts her new job as HER Manager at North Yorkshire Council. 

Leonora began working for the Trust in 2008, as a Field Archaeologist, before specialising in the undertaking of desk-based assessments, project designs, written schemes of investigations, building recording surveys and excavation/post-excavation. In 2013 Leonora undertook the role of Acting Historic Environment Records Manager to cover maternity leave. In addition to his she also ran the Access to Archaeology Community program, training volunteers in the use of HER software, to enhance the HER with information from grey literature reports. Both roles Leonora excelled in! 

Everyone at the Trust and all the A2A volunteers wish you every success in your new job The HER will not be the same without you and your bubbly personality and cheerful good humor.